Monday, August 13, 2007

Reach the Connected Generation

Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y. What's next? The Connected Generation. This consumer group, age 18-40, is known for being connected through technology. Research indicates they are online hourly, with their cell phone to their ear almost constantly. Their community consists of relationships with people they hardly ever meet face-to-face. They expect instant responses customized for them. So what can we do to reach this audience?

According to a book entitled, "Mind Your X's and Y's: Satisfying the 10 Cravings of a New Generation of Consumers," here are five perceived needs of the Connected Generation:
1. Shine the spotlight. Personalize the content to meet their needs.
2. Raise my pulse. They highly value adventure and fun.
3. Make loose connections. Their social community consists largely of relationships with people they hardly ever meet face-to-face.
4. Give me brand candy. Design and look is as important as content and depth.
5. Filter out the clutter. Remove excess content to make it fast and easy to get the content they are seeking.

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