Monday, October 27, 2008

Brochure Stand and We Know Cards

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth at Annual Conference. It was great visiting with you and hearing your ideas. Quite a few people asked about the brochure stand that we use. In the six months we've had it, the stand has proved itself convenient and sturdy. If you are interested in getting your own, we purchased it from this Web site:

One of our goals at Annual Conference this year was to gather more ideas for the We Know campaign. Specifically, we plan to produce more We Know cards, similar to the ones created for the State Fair. We want to insure that we produce cards that are useful and applicable for you and your clientele, so please let us know what topics you think we should cover. We will gather input from you and, coupled with the research findings we have, create additional cards by February 2009. Here is a complete list of the existing cards (available also at
Energy Conservation
Fall Lawn Care and Gardening
Farmers' Markets
Money Management
Food Safety
Tips to Trim Food Costs
Health and Nutrition
Health and Wellness
Kansas Communities
Severe Weather Preparedness
Crops and Livestock
Country Living
Water Quality and Conservation (Urban)
Water Quality (Rural)
4-H Youth Development, and
Kansas Farm Management Association.
Please send any suggestions to us via the "comments" section or by emailing us at or

Thank you for your time!
Linda Sleichter

Friday, October 17, 2008

Results of State Fair Survey

At this year's Kansas State Fair, our marketing team asked visitors to K-State Research and Extension's booth to fill out an online survey to give us their opinions of the organization's programs and services.

Because this was a convenience sample (and not randomly-selected), it's not possible to generalize the results. But respondents' answers were strikingly similar to results we got from a Summer, 2007 telephone survey of Kansas residents; and to responses from Kansans in a Fall, 2007 focus group project.

Here's some of the highlights:

* 86.9 percent of the respondents said they were very likely to use the Internet to learn more about a topic that interests them. Local newspapers (52.6 percent) and brochures/reports (47.4 percent) were also rated high as very likely to use.

* More than 80 percent of those said they were somewhat or very interested in community development issues; health and nutrition; home and family; environment; lawn and garden; and youth development.

More than 61 percent of the respondents were between the ages of 25-44, an audience currently being targeted in K-State Research and Extension's five-year marketing plan. More than 73 percent of those responding rated K-State Research and Extension's booth as good or great, and less than 3 percent said it was below average or poor.

Share your thoughts about this or other marketing strategies for K-State Research and Extension at our blog, . --Pat Melgares

Monday, October 6, 2008

Logo Usage, Outside Vendors

We've received a few questions lately about using local vendors for K- StateResearch and Extension paraphernalia. We certainly don't mind going to localbusinesses and asking them to put the K-State Research and Extension logo on shirts, cups, and other items. In fact, it supportsTHE local economy and that is a good thing. But, here are some things tokeep mind when going to a local vendor.

1-Check prices of items in K-State Research and Extension's inventory. Weare able to buy items in bulk and usually provide them at a lower cost thanavailable at the local level. Plus, you can buy them with your publicationsallocations funds, which makes it convenient for your office.

2-We do not keep apparel items in our marketing inventory, due to variationsin sizes and logo needs. If you don't have a local vendor from which topurchase K-State Research and Extension apparel, we tend to go to retailersin Manhattan for our apparel, as they already have our artwork on file andgive us good deals. We do not have a contract that requires us to use anyparticular company, however, so feel free to shop around.

3-If you are using a local vendor, make sure they are aware of recent policychanges and enforcement from K-State's Division of Licensing( Since our logo includes the powercat, wemust be sure to follow all guidelines regarding the powercat usage. Vendorswho do not follow the policy could risk forfeiture of their inventory. Thepolicy states, "The program requires producers of products displaying theUniversity's name and/or marks to be licensed through CLC or the University.The licensing royalty is 10 percent of the wholesale value of the product(s)being produced. All artwork must be approved by K-State's main licensingoffice. The artwork approval forms are located on the Web site at"

4- What about our powerpoints, Web pages, brochures, etc? If you are amember of K-State Research and Extension's faculty or staff, you aregenerally allowed to use Kansas State University's name and marks forprofessional presentations. If you are not affiliated with Kansas StateUniversity as a current faculty or staff member, you must request permissionbefore using logos or items owned by the University.

5- When it comes to using the logo, it might be lot easier to ask permissionthan forgiveness. For questions about logo usage or to get permission to useit, contact K-State's Division of Intellectual Property( For other marketingquestions, contact the K-State Research and Extension marketing unit or go to our blog at