Monday, February 16, 2009

Elevator Speech

The elevator speech is an overview of your company or organization that you can deliver in the time it takes to ride up the elevator. Now, our campus elevators can be pretty slow, but. brevity is key for this short synopsis of who we are and what we do.

Below is our version of an elevator speech for K-State Research and Extension. We encourage you to personalize this message and use it any time you have the opportunity. This short speech can help us make people aware of the breadth and depth of information available through K-State Research and Extension.

"Hi. I'm ______. I'm K-State Research and Extension's ___________ agent in _______ County or District. I don't know what you know about K-State Research and Extension, but it's a partnership between local government and Kansas State University, with offices in every county. The agents in those offices distribute research-based information and advice on many topics. We cover environmental issues, health and nutrition, crops and livestock, lawns and gardens, 4-H and families, community development and much Kansans the knowledge they need to improve their quality of life and standard of living."

More info:
Wiki's definition of elevator speech
The Perfect Elevator Speech from Business Weekly

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