Monday, July 7, 2008

Metro Residents Areas of Interest, Means of Communication

In a statewide telephone survey conducted in summer, 2007 for K-State Research and Extension, we wanted to find out what type of information metro audiences were wanting. Of those who indicated they lived in "urban" or "suburban" areas, two-thirds or more said they were "very interested" in the following types of information:
-Environmental Preservation
-Health and Nutrition
-Home and Family
-Youth Development

How does that compare to all current users?

Metro residents are less interested in community development, and lawn and garden; and more interested in home and family issues. There seems to be similar interest among both groups in the areas of environmental preservation, farming/ranching/agribusiness, health and nutrition, and youth development.

We also wanted to know how metro residents wanted to receive information. According to this research, more than three-fourths of metro residents indicated the following communication methods were "effective" or "very effective":
-Direct phone access with specialists
-Displays in public places

Further focus groups confirmed this, finding metro audiences´ three top sources of information are the following:
-Internet/Web sites
-Local businesses/ professionals/ community resources (including public library)

This differs from our current users, in that current users say they prefer newspapers, television, brochures/reports, presentations/seminars, telephone, public places, and newsletters.

These results - and how they differ from our current users - are something to keep in mind as you are developing programs and materials to attract new clients in metro areas.

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